- MODULE 2: Working with ABI
- Introduction
- Take the Pre-test
- A. Uniquely building independence
- a) Unique
- b) Injury-Effect-Behaviour
- c) Frontal lobe proxy
- d) Change happens
in the day to day - e) A life span view
- f) Person centred, Goal directed
- B. Through emotions and relationships
- g) Person with ABI
- h) Family members
- i) Grief and loss
- j) Support workers
- k) Managers and Team leaders
- l) Case managers
- m) Professional boundaries
- C. With services
- n) Pathways
- o) Part of a team
- p) The services network
- D. Principles and standards
- q) Principles and standards
- E. Integration
- r) Practice tools
- s) Case study
- t) Further learning
- Take the Post-test
Take the Pre-Test 
The Pre-Test is a way of checking what you know before you start Module 2: Working with people with ABI.
The Pre-Test includes 8 multiple choice questions. It is quick to do.
Your answers will be emailed to you.
When you complete the module you can also do a Post-Test and compare the results of your Pre and Post tests.