a) Jonathan's story (11 mins)
Jonathan was hit by a car when he was 12 years old. He had a severe traumatic brain injury. At the time of the injury he had a very poor prognosis -unlikely to regain any previous function. He had extensive rehabilitation. He is now in his mid 20's living with his family. He is learning to drive and has several part time jobs.
Clip 13 : Jonathan & Mother : The Story (7 min)
Jonathan's mother (& Jonathan) talking about what happened - the impact, rehabilitation, etc
Clip 14 : Jonathan & Mother : 2 The Emotional Impact (3 min 40 sec)
Jonathan's mother (&Jonathan) talking about the emotional impact of what happened.
Clip 15 : Jonathan' s Mother & Father : Paper Cranes (3 min 45 sec)
Jonathan's mother (& father) talking about the value of writing a diary and how it turned into the book Paper Cranes